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Meet The Team


In 2025 Paula will be celebrating 10 years with Amelia's SmartyPlants! 


Her love of gardening is about digging in the dirt, the joy and feeling of accomplishment, and having a connection to nature.


Her favorite plant is any plant that feeds birds, bees, insects, and people. 


Cindy is the smiling face behind the SmartyPlants front counter. She has been taking care of the retail shop since 2018. She loves to style the retail space and help customers pick out the perfect pot for their new plants.


Her favorite plant is the Calathea Rattlesnake for the beautiful green leaf design on top and the solid burgundy color on the bottom.



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Andrew is a busy guy! He can be found in the retail areas, but he also handles many of our deliveries. And he is an ace when it comes to setting up fountains!


While his favorite plant is the tropical Monstera deliciosa, his tip has more to do with succulents since he is a transplant from Arizona - do not overwater cactus and succulents as they prefer very dry conditions.  



You'll find this guy mostly behind the register, where he's happy to help you with any advice you might need on your purchases.

His favorite plants are those exotic alocasias. He likes the way the leaves evolve and change as the plant matures.​


His tip? Keep smiling. Plants can sense your mood, so stay positive around them!


The letter is short for Guillome, and you'll find him in the Shade House, where his love for all of our "Shady Ladies" is apparent by the excellent care he gives them. 


TJ helps with a lot of the "heavy lifting" at SmartyPlants and no one is his equal when it comes to loading those bulky items into your vehicle. He also knows a thing or two about most of the plants in our inventory.


His favorite plant is Bay Cedar & he says, "Better to have more soil on hand than less."


Joy takes pride in keeping the Sunnyside "sunny" with her broad smile and helpful advice. One of her best tips - watch new growth for insect infestations. Those pesky critters love tender new leaves, so it is best to catch them early before they take over. 



Mike is our Shade House "Guru". Along with caring for the plants, he's responsible for many of the decorative touches that make the area seem more like a botanical garden than a garden center. 




Angélica takes care of our plants, keeping them weed-free and beautiful. Her favorite plant is Confederate Jasmine.


Her tip is to pay close attention to it after the initial planting to make sure it gets enough water.



Pasquale has been key in growing our inventory - literally! He recently moved to our Lake Worth Beach location from our grow facility out west, where he was responsible for caring for 5 acres of shrubs and trees.

Now he's busy maintaining our little green oasis in the middle of the city!





Usually found "behind the scenes" at her computer, she's responsible for getting the monthly online newsletter to our customers each month.  


Best tip? Buy plants in threes if you have the room.



You'll usually find Dania's smiling face

over on the Sunnyside, but she also brings a little sunshine to the Shade House on occasion. Her eye for design is a true asset to our crew.



Katie was instrumental in getting our website up and running and she still weighs in on technical issues. 


Her favorite plant is a Monstera deliciosa and she has over 10 because she loves to propagate them.



She is one of the owners of Amelia's and created this place from nothing. She is full of plant knowledge and keeps everything running smoothly.





He makes everything look beautiful and has an incredible eye for design. Alongside Marta, he made Amelia's into the beautiful garden center it is. He is also one of the owners and works very hard to provide quality plants for your space.

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